
Cow Dung Hawan Sabrani Cup Pack Of 12 pcs

₹138 42% Off ₹240
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  • Refundable:No

v  Mental Peace: The fragrance of these incense cups provides a calming and stabilizing effect on the mind. They are used to enhance meditation, concentration, and mental clarity.·    

v  Health Benefits: The Guggal incense cup can provide health benefits by offering protection against harmful substances and helping to balance bodily humors such as Vata, Kapha, and Pitta.

v  Fragrant Environment: Gobar and Guggal incense cups are useful in imparting a pleasant fragrance to the surroundings. Their aroma creates an ambiance of tranquility and serenity.

v  Purity and Sanctity: The use of these incense cups establishes a sense of faith and sanctity. They are commonly used during religious ceremonies and worship.